Student Self-Assessment of Core Competencies
Secondary (Gr. 8-12)
Core competencies are an important part of a students social-emotional, personal and intellectual growth and development. Becoming proficient in the core competency areas is central to becoming a life-long learner.
Core competencies are an integral part of the new curriculum. Two times in the 2019-20 school year, all K-12 students are required to complete a self-assessment of their development of the three core competency areas: Communication; Thinking; and Personal & Social.
Linear courses will attach a self-assessment to both the written progress report and the written final summative report. Semestered courses will attach a self-assessment to the final summative reports at the end of each semester.
In order to do so, students will need ample opportunities to identify and talk about their competencies. Below are resources and samples, shared by Yukon and BC educators, that could be used to support student self-assessment. The list is not intended to be either comprehensive or authoritative. Feel free to adapt the resources to suit local needs and contexts. The development of these resources is an iterative process, and the intent is to revise, improve, and expand the resources over time.
NEW: There are some important changes to some of the Core Competencies and associated Profiles. For a comprehensive list and description of core competencies click here.
Core competencies are an integral part of the new curriculum. Two times in the 2019-20 school year, all K-12 students are required to complete a self-assessment of their development of the three core competency areas: Communication; Thinking; and Personal & Social.
Linear courses will attach a self-assessment to both the written progress report and the written final summative report. Semestered courses will attach a self-assessment to the final summative reports at the end of each semester.
In order to do so, students will need ample opportunities to identify and talk about their competencies. Below are resources and samples, shared by Yukon and BC educators, that could be used to support student self-assessment. The list is not intended to be either comprehensive or authoritative. Feel free to adapt the resources to suit local needs and contexts. The development of these resources is an iterative process, and the intent is to revise, improve, and expand the resources over time.
NEW: There are some important changes to some of the Core Competencies and associated Profiles. For a comprehensive list and description of core competencies click here.
Yukon Templates for Self-Assessment of Core Competencies
Yukon 8-12 Template Using Facets
Yukon 8-12 Template Simple
Yukon 8-12 Template
Templates and Samples |
Resources |
Videos from BC |
Communication Core Competency Learning Map
Core Competencies Self-Assessment Template - Simple (I Can, Evidence, Where to Next) Core Competencies Summative Self-Assessment - Facet, I Can, Proof, Goals, Plan |
Core Competencies Poster - English
Core Competencies Poster - French Connecting Indigenous Titles (Books) to the Core Competencies (Secondary) SD61 (Victoria) has multiple samples of self-assessments on this page SD71 (Comox) offers an extensive list of books and activities to support the Core Competencies |
Surrey SD36 Video - Self-assessment of Core Competencies in Secondary
Surrey SD36 Video - Core Competencies Learning in Action Compétences essentielles - auto-évaluation (Cliquez pour une version française d'auto-évaluation gracieuseté de Kelsey Keller, enseignante en C.-B.) |